Penny Market Regional Logistics Centre in Karcag

The assignment was the general design of the extension and interior reconstruction of the regional logistics centre in Karcag for the Penny Market as Investor. The ammonia commercial refrigeration was also a part of the assignment. In addition to the design, we are also responsible for the construction management in cooperation with the site supervisor team of Kibbau 77 Ltd.
Recent references
Zurich, Switzerland 34.000 m2 Supporting our partner company during the general design process
Zurich data center
Frankfurt, Germany 45.000 m2 Supporting our partner company during the general design process
Frankfurt data center
Berlin, Germany 44.000 m2 Supporting our partner company during the general design process
Berlin data center
Lagos, Nigeria 10.113 m2 General design
Lagos Data Center
Budapest, Hungary 106.000 m2 BIM managementGeneral design
Budapest, Hungary 5.080 m2 General design