
Our application for the design of the new main building of Mathias Corvinus University has been bought


Our architectural design at the competition for the new multifunctional building of Mathias Corvinus University has been bought. Congratulations to all participants, and a big thank you to the team of ARROW Architects and Lépték-Terv Landscape Architects for your work! The entry represents quality for the Contracting Authority, especially in terms of landscaping, spatial organisation, and the elegant interior courtyard. A particularly beautiful solution is created in the space and level of the auditorium, where the central space is set on the ground, somewhat amphitheatre-like, following the slight rise, making the changes in the terrain more intense, treating them as a problem not to be avoided, and, with its exciting visuals, enticing visitors to stay longer, thus carrying a great potential for community building.

Lead architects:

  • ARROW: Ulrik Raysse, Bertrand Labalette STUDIO IN-EX: Inke Ivány (É/1 01-1164), Sándor Jassó (É/1 13-0837), Péter Krámer ( É/1 01-2550)



  • ARROW: Eduardo Vieira, Mohamed Samir STUDIO IN-EX: Dániel Dobszai, Ádám Nagy, Sales Oliver, Ágnes Zalántai


Engineering designers:

  • Structural engineering: Gábor Szabó
  • Landscape architecture: Stoeva Liliya, Barnabás Szakács, Natália Szécsényi
  • Building services engineering: Antal Szilágyi
  • Building electricity: István Bakos
  • Fire protection: László Csonka
  • Road and utility design: Gábor Diviki, Adrienn Kurucz

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