
Career orientation day in STUDIO IN-EX Debrecen


Building on last year’s success, we organized a career orientation day on October 24, 2023, for the students at a local school specializing in construction. We were invited by one of the form teachers at the technical school called DSZC Péchy Mihály Építőipari Technikum after our last successful presentation.

During a two-part presentation, the class of 20 students got to know the method of BIM-based designing, the importance of collaboration between the departments and the engineering workflow. According to the feedback, everything went really well and we provided a long lasting experience. Presenters:

  • Csaba Dorcsin – architecture, BIM basics, Studio tour
  • Szabolcs Kiss – electrical engineering, low voltage
  • Tamás Kiss – electrical engineering, ELV design, BMS design
  • Szabolcs Zöldi – mechanical engineering.

Seeing that the students were interested, they decided to provide a sneek peak into the design software they use.






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